Christian Cinetto


Red Bull BC ONE


Red Bull BC ONE

Red Bull BC One is one of the most important one-o-one bboying competition in the world.
On the 14th of September 2013 the best b-boys of the Western Europe have come to Naples, Italy, to gain a ticket for the Red Bull BC One world finals which will be held in South Korea.

This teaser's aim is to show how breaking the rules sometimes take to unpredictable results.
People usually thinks at pizza just to eat it and at dance just to see some clean movements.
Here we do not show pizza eaters neither classic or modern dance clean movements.
We show Naples, pizza and the breakdance. Enjoy!

Client: Red Bull
Executive production: Jengafilm
Director and creativity Christian Cinetto
DoP Sandro Magliano
Steadycam Diego Falconieri
Editor Francesco Mansutti
Producer Marta Ridolfi

Bboys Cico, Froz, Alex